

  • Measuring language attitudes: Theory and practice in experimental research (with Laura Rosseel and Eline Zenner). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, under contract.
  • Double standards: Codified norms and norms of usage in European languages (1600-2020) (with Stephan Elspaß, Imke Mendoza & Bernhard Pöll). Berlin: Peter Lang, forthcoming in 2024.
  • Doing sociolinguistics: A practical guide to data collection and analysis (with Miriam Meyerhoff & Laurel MacKenzie). London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
  • The Routledge sociolinguistics reader (with Miriam Meyerhoff). London and New York: Routledge, 2010. 
  • Navigating joint activities in English and German academic discourse: Form, function, and sociolinguistic distribution of discourse markers and question tags. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 2005.

Journal articles and book chapters

  • Frequency-based professionalism evaluation of (ING) and (T)-deletion in England and Pennsylvania (with Jana Pflaeging and Bradley Mackay). Journal of English Linguistics,  Accepted.
  • Identifiability and Noticeability of (ing), (t) and (k) in British English (with Evelyn Roth, Jana Pflaeging and Bradley Mackay). English Language and Linguistics,  Accepted.
  • Sociolinguistic Monitoring and L2 Speakers of English (with Jana Pflaeging and Bradley Mackay). Linguistics,  2024.
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  • Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human speech analyses (with Stefano Coretta, Joseph V. Casillas, Timo B. Roettger, et al.). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6(3), 1-29, 2023.
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  • Mechanisms of meaning making in the co-occurrence of pragmatic markers with silent pauses. Language in Society 52(1), 79-105, 2023.
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  • Measuring language attitudes. In Kimberly Geeslin (ed.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and sociolinguistics, 212-223. London and New York: Routledge, 2022.
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  • Evaluation of pragmatic markers: The case of you know (with Bradley Mackay). In Elizabeth Peterson, Joseph Kern & Turo Hiltunen (eds), Discourse-pragmatic variation and change: Theory, innovations, contact, 40-60. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
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  • Individual differences in intra-speaker variation: /t/-glottalling in England and Scotland. Linguistics Vanguard 6, 2021.
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  • Identity and indexicality in the study of World Englishes. In Daniel Schreier, Marianne Hundt & Edgar W. Schneider (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of World Englishes, 609-632. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.
  • The evaluation of unfilled pauses: Limits of the prestige, solidarity and dynamism dimensions. Lingua 228, 1-16, 2019. 
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  • Processing ‘gender-neutral’ pronouns: A self-paced reading study of learners of English (with Lydia Speyer). Applied Linguistics 40(5), 793-815, 2019. 
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  • Sociophonetic variation of like in British dialects: Effects of function, context and predictability (with Danielle Turton). English Language and Linguistics 22(1), 35-75, 2018.
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  • Regional diversity in social perceptions of (ing) (with Nicholas Flynn & Will Barras). Language Variation and Change 29(1), 29-56, 2017.
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  • Social meanings across listener groups: When do social factors matter? Journal of English Linguistics 45(1), 28-59, 2017.
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  • Acquisition of sociolinguistic awareness by German learners of English: A study in perceptions of quotative be like (with Julia Davydova & Agnieszka Ewa Tytus). Linguistics 55(4), 783-812, 2017.
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  • Developmental sociolinguistics and the acquisition of T-glottalling by immigrant teenagers in London. In Gunther de Vogelaer & Matthias Katerbow (eds.), Acquiring sociolinguistic variation, 311-347. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2017.
  • Identity in variationist sociolinguistics (with Rob Drummond). In Siân Preece (ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and identity, 50-65. London and New York: Routledge, 2016.
    Access book chapter
  • Ageing meanings of (ing) in Manchester, England (with Nicholas Flynn). English World-Wide 36(1), 48-90, 2015.
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  • Production and perception of (ing) in Manchester English (with Nicholas Flynn & Michael Ramsammy). In Eivind Torgersen, Stian Hårstad, Brit Mæhlum & Unn Røyneland (eds.), Language variation – European perspectives V, 197-209. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015.
  • Socjolingwistyka a imigracja: zróżnicowanie językowe polskich nastolatków w Edynburgu (with Anna M. Strycharz-Banas & Miriam Meyerhoff. Socjolingwistyka 28, 137-152, 2014.
    Access journal
  • Hitting an Edinburgh target: Immigrant adolescents’ acquisition of variation in Edinburgh English (with Miriam Meyerhoff). In Robert Lawson (ed.), Sociolinguistic perspectives on Scotland, 103-128. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
  • Written surveys and questionnaires in sociolinguistics. In Janet Holmes & Kirk Hazen (eds.), Research methods in sociolinguistics, 42-57. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2014.
  • Glottal replacement of /t/ in two British capitals: Effects of word frequency and morphological compositionality. Language Variation and Change 25(2), 201-223, 2013.
    Access journal 
  • Labio-dental fronting of /θ/ in London and Edinburgh: A cross-dialectal study (with Michael Ramsammy). English Language and Linguistics 17(1), 25-54, 2013.
    Access journal 
  • Migrant teenagers’ acquisition of sociolinguistic variation: The variables (ing) and (t). In Peter Auer, Javier Caro Reina & Göz Kaufmann (eds.), Language variation – European perspectives IV, 201-213. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013.
  • Variation, contact and social indexicality in the acquisition of (ing) by teenage migrants (with Miriam Meyerhoff). Journal of Sociolinguistics 16(3), 398-416, 2012.
    Access journal 
  • Sprache und Geschlecht im universitären Diskurs. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 40(1), 1-34, 2012.
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  • Teenagers’ acquisition of variation: A comparison of locally-born and migrant teens’ realisation of English (ing) in Edinburgh and London (with Miriam Meyerhoff & Lynn Clark). English World-Wide 32(2), 206-236, 2011.
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  • Creating gender distinctions: Migrant teens’ acquisition of sociolinguistic variation (with Miriam Meyerhoff). In Robert McColl Millar & Mercedes Durham (eds.), Applied linguistics global and local: Proceedings of the 43rd annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 227-232. London: Scitsiugnil Press, 2011.
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  • The acquisition of sociolinguistic evaluations among Polish-born adolescents learning English: Evidence from perception (with Lynn Clark). Language Awareness 19(4), 299-322, 2010.
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  • Sociolinguistic methods in data collection and interpretation (with Miriam Meyerhoff). In Miriam Meyerhoff & Erik Schleef (eds.), The Routledge sociolinguistics reader, 1-26. London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
  • Becoming local: Exploring adolescents’ sociolinguistic limits and potential (with Miriam Meyerhoff & Lynn Clark). In Martin Edwardes (ed.), Proceedings of the BAAL annual conference 2009, 93-97. London: Scitsiugnil Press, 2010.
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  • A cross-cultural investigation of German and American academic style. Journal of Pragmatics 41(6), 1104-1124, 2009.
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  • A cross-cultural comparison of the functions and sociolinguistic distribution of English and German tag questions and discourse markers in academic speech. In Eija Suomela-Salmi & Fred Dervin (eds.), Cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives on academic discourse, 61-80. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
  • Testing times for new citizens: Media discourses around citizenship tests in three countries. In Martin Edwardes (ed.), Proceedings of the BAAL annual conference 2008, 99-102. London: Scitsiugnil Press, 2009.
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  • Gender and academic discourse: Global restrictions and local possibilities. Language in Society 37(4), 515-538, 2008.
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  • The ‘lecturer’s ok’ revisited: Changing discourse conventions and the influence of academic division. American Speech 83(1), 62-84, 2008.
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  • The academic lecture in Germany and the US: Cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural variation. In Cristina Mourón Figueroa & Teresa Moralejo Gárate (eds.), Studies in contrastive linguistics: Proceedings of the 4th international contrastive linguistics conference, 931-940. Santiago de Compostela: University of Santiago de Compostela Press, 2006.
  • Gender, power, discipline, and context: On the sociolinguistic variation of okay, right, like, and you know in English academic discourse. In Chiho Sunakawa, Tomoko Ikeda, Shannon Finch & Malavika Shetty (eds.), Texas linguistic forum 48, 177-186. Austin, Texas: Department of Linguistics, 2005.
  • Prosody and narrative structure in varieties of Low German and Alemannic. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 15(4), 325-357, 2003.
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